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  • Writer's pictureMonica

brazilian cheese bread - pāo de queijo

brazilian cheese bread - pao de queijo

I learned about this cheesy bread roll from the cooking club of the Latin Ladies Association of Malaysia. It is eaten as a snack or as breakfast. I must say, it is so delicious you cannot stop eating it.



brazilian cheese bread - pāo de queijo

40 pieces



  • 500g tapioca flour (cassava starch)

  • 2 eggs

  • 4 tbsp unsalted butter

  • 120g vegetable oil

  • 250g full fat milk

  • 60ml water, room temperature

  • 1 tbsp salt

  • 500g cheese (200g mozzarella, 200g Parmesan and 100g provolone, gouda, cheddar or any cheese you like)



  1. In a saucepan over medium heat, heat the oil, milk and butter, until the butter has melted.

  2. In a bowl, mix the tapioca starch with the hot liquid, salt and water. Let it cool, then add the eggs one by one. Now add all the cheese and mix. If the dough is too soft, refrigerate it for 20-30 minutes before starting to work it.

  3. Shape the dough into balls with your hands or use a scooper and put them on a baking tray lined with baking paper. 

  4. Bake in a 180 Celsius preheated oven for 20-30 minutes or until lightly browned.

  5. Serve immediately.



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