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  • Writer's pictureMonica

creamy mushrooms with polenta

creamy mushrooms with polenta

Many dishes in Transylvania are with cream. This is one of them - mushrooms, onions and cream, some fresh parsley on top… and if you have a good polenta… you’re in heaven.



creamy mushrooms with polenta



  • 1kg champignons, sliced, or mixture of mushrooms

  • 1 big onion, peeled and finely chopped

  • 50g sunflower oil 

  • 1 tbsp butter

  • 1 tbsp Vegeta (see my homemade Vegeta recipe here) or 1 chicken stock cube

  • 300-500g creme fraiche or full fat sour cream

  • 1 bunch of fresh parsley, finely chopped

Thickening agent: 1 tbsp cornstarch with 2 tbsp water, mix well

To serve: polenta, cooked according to package instructions



  1. In a large, deep pan, heat the oil and butter.

  2. Saute the onion, then add the mushrooms. Put the lid on and let the mushrooms cook. Stir from time to time.

  3. After approximately 10 minutes, add Vegeta and the cream. Stir, then add the thickening agent.

  4. Let it simmer for 1-2 minutes.

  5. Turn off the heat and add the parsley.

  6. Eat with polenta or white sourdough bread.


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