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  • Writer's pictureMonica

angry donuts

transylvanian angry donuts

I learned how to make these donuts when I was a child in Transylvania. The dough is similar to the eclair one. They’re known as ‘angry donuts’ because they’re fried in hot oil, making their skin crack.

Very easy and fast to make and so good!



angry donuts

26-28 pieces



  • 200ml water

  • A pinch of salt

  • 100g butter

  • 125g all purpose flour

  • 4 eggs

  • Powder sugar to coat the donuts

  • Vegetable oil to fry the donuts



  1. Boil the water with the butter and the salt, then add the flour and mix until it doesn't stick to the pot. Leave to cool.

  2. When cold, add the eggs one by one, mixing thoroughly.

  3. In a deep pan or pot, heat the oil. Spoon the dough into the oil using a teaspoon. Fill up the pan with dough balls, but leave some space in between them. The donuts will expand and crack. 

  4. Fry them on both sides until golden brown, then take them out on a plate with a paper roll to absorb the oil. 

  5. Coat the donuts with powdered sugar and eat them as fast as you can. They’re best enjoyed hot!



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